Renowned Pakistani actress Mawra Hocane found herself at the center of online attention after sharing a message she claimed to have received from Portuguese football legend Cristiano Ronaldo. The post, shared on her Instagram, quickly drew skepticism and a wave of trolling from netizens.
Mawra revealed her excitement on New Year’s Eve, believing she had received a direct message from Ronaldo. However, it soon became clear that the message was not a personal note but an automated response sent through Ronaldo’s broadcast channel on Instagram—a feature that allows public figures to send generic messages to thousands of followers.
The actress’s post left many questioning whether Mawra genuinely thought the message was exclusive or if she was simply sharing her excitement over receiving communication from Ronaldo’s official account.
While Mawra has not addressed the situation publicly, social media users were quick to troll her. One user commented, “I’m genuinely so embarrassed for her,” while others chimed in with their experiences. “Yeah, I got the same message,” another user wrote, accompanied by an eye-roll emoji.
Mawra Hocane’s Post about Cristiano Ronaldo Sparks Online Trolling
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