Priyanka Chopra celebrated a joyful Christmas in Los Angeles with her husband Nick Jonas and daughter Malti Marie, cherishing family bonding, cozy dinners, and festive activities.
Taking to Instagram on Friday evening, Priyanka shared a carousel of photos featuring her husband, the Jonas Brothers singer, their daughter, and family friends.
The first snap showed the Citadel star, the Jumanji actor, and their toddler posing on stairs in matching red and white outfits.
Another picture captured Priyanka admiring gifts, alongside a selfie holding a glass with the words “Cool Aunty Club” written on it.
One image displayed Priyanka, Nick, and their attendees gathered around pianist Geoff Aymar as he performed.
Priyanka captioned the post:
“It was so wonderful being home this Christmas. May we all always be surrounded by love and loved ones. Merry Christmas to all who celebrated this beautiful holiday.”
Fans quickly flooded the comments with love for the Chopra-Jonas family.
One fan wrote: “Such a beautiful family. I love you guys.”
Another commented: “Adorable fam, Merry Christmas.”
A third remarked: “Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly Merry Christmas.”