Renowned Telugu actor Allu Arjun recently faced an unfortunate incident at his Hyderabad residence. Protesters, claiming to be members of the Osmania University Joint Action Committee, vandalized his property by damaging plants and hurling tomatoes. Their demand was for Allu Arjun to provide financial assistance to the family of a woman who tragically died during a stampede at the screening of ‘Pushpa 2’.
This incident occurred shortly after Allu Arjun appealed to his fans to act responsibly both online and offline, urging them to refrain from any abusive behavior. His father, Allu Aravind, addressed the media, emphasizing their decision to remain calm and allow the law to take its course. Police promptly arrived at the scene, detained the protesters, and filed a case against them.
The backdrop to this protest is the tragic stampede during the ‘Pushpa 2’ screening, which resulted in the death of a woman and injuries to her son. Public outrage has been mounting, with many calling on the actor to support the bereaved family. Allu Arjun has expressed his condolences and appealed for peace among his fans.
This incident raises concerns about security arrangements during film events and underscores the need for celebrities to exercise caution during public appearances to prevent such unfortunate occurrences.