Renowned Pakistani singer Abrar-ul-Haq recently shared a funny encounter he had with Bollywood’s famous singer Honey Singh. In a recent interview, Abrar-ul-Haq recalled an event where he and Honey Singh met in a completely unexpected and amusing way.
Abrar-ul-Haq explained that when he approached Honey Singh at the event, the latter immediately recognized him and jokingly said, “You’re such a big star, I’m a huge fan of yours.” To which Abrar-ul-Haq responded with a laugh, mentioning that it was an unexpected but delightful incident that further strengthened their friendship.
Abrar-ul-Haq also mentioned that Honey Singh is a very cheerful and entertaining personality, and his playful demeanor adds to the charm of his events. This meeting not only became a memorable moment but also laid the foundation for a special friendship between the two singers.