The Telangana High Court granted Telugu superstar Allu Arjun interim bail for four weeks on Friday in connection with the stampede at the premiere of his blockbuster film “Pushpa 2: The Rule” in Hyderabad. The High Court emphasized that Allu Arjun, despite being an actor, has the right to life and liberty as a citizen.
The verdict followed a day of rapid developments, starting with the dramatic arrest of Allu Arjun from his residence in the morning. A lower court then sent the “Pushpa 2” star to judicial custody for 14 days. The December 4 stampede at the iconic Sandhya theatre resulted in the death of a 39-year-old woman and left her minor son seriously injured.
Justice Juvvadi Sridevi of the Telangana High Court ruled that the actor cannot be held prima facie responsible for the incident, as he had simply attended the theatre for the premiere of his movie.