In a shocking and tragic incident, a 55-year-old man from Russia died after being fatally scratched by his pet cat. Dmitry Ukhin had spent two days searching for his runaway ginger cat, Stypoka, who had gone missing. On November 22, he finally located the cat and brought it back home. However, the cat attempted to flee again, and when Ukhin tried to stop it, Stypoka scratched his leg.
The scratch, though seemingly minor, led to severe bleeding, which Ukhin couldn’t control due to a medical condition that prevents blood clotting. Desperate, Ukhin called a neighbor for help, who in turn contacted emergency services. Tragically, by the time paramedics arrived, Ukhin had already passed away from blood loss.
According to a police source, the neighbor called emergency services around 11 p.m. to report that Ukhin was bleeding from a torn vein. Medical personnel who arrived confirmed his death shortly thereafter. The incident occurred in the Kirishsky District, located east of St. Petersburg.
Despite the tragic outcome, Ukhin’s wife, Natalya, told local media that Stypoka was a friendly and harmless cat who often enjoyed going for walks alone. The cat’s whereabouts remain unknown.