Demi Moore took on a fiery challenge on her birthday, becoming a standout guest on the popular YouTube show Hot Ones. Known for its daring format, Hot Ones features celebrities as they tackle increasingly spicy chicken wings (or cauliflower for vegetarians), all while engaging in candid conversations with host Sean Evans.
Evans kicked off the episode by acknowledging that they were filming on Moore’s birthday, making her the first guest to mark such a milestone on the show. He also asked if she was someone who naturally enjoyed spicy food. Moore, careful not to jinx herself, admitted she loved spicy food but wasn’t sure what she was getting into.
Throughout the episode, the Ghost actress handled the hot sauce challenge like a seasoned expert, describing the various levels of spiciness with precision, comparing the sauces’ “entry point,” “peak point,” and “backend” to those of fine wine. In a humorous moment, she even likened one sauce to “baby excrement.”
Despite the intensity of the sauces, Moore remained composed, only occasionally wiping her nose. As she progressed through the increasingly hot sauces, Moore stayed focused and even aced a trivia challenge, correctly guessing the taglines of her own movies when quizzed by Evans.
The infamous “Da Bomb” sauce, known for its ability to make even the most seasoned guests panic, didn’t faze Moore. She simply remarked, “It’s spicy,” and even noted, “You look like you’re hurting over there!”
The final two sauces couldn’t rattle her either. When faced with the scorching “The Last Dab Xperience,” Moore casually asked, “Do you have one stronger?” displaying her incredible resilience.
To celebrate Moore’s victory, Evans surprised her with an ice cream cake to mark her birthday. After handling the challenge like a pro, Moore joins the ranks of Hot Ones legends, proving she’s no stranger to spicy food.