The upcoming spy film Alpha from Yash Raj Films will feature Sharvari and Alia Bhatt. It is set in the same world as the Pathaan, War, and Tiger films. The production house is currently working on War 2, which stars Jr. NTR, Kiara Advani, and Hrithik Roshan. In the midst of all of this, there are rumors that Hrithik Roshan will appear in Alpha in a cameo role.
According to reports, Hrithik is currently working on War 2’s finale, after which he will shoot for his cameo in Alpha. His Major Kabir character will serve as Alia and Sharvari’s mentor.
“Hrithik Roshan as Agent Kabir is ready for a crossover in Alpha,” according to reports about Hrithik Alia. The actor is thrilled because this would be the first time his character has appeared in the YRF Spy Universe. He plays the role of Alia Bhatt’s mentor and Sharvari’s long-term universe plan.”
Alia Hrithik’s