In the second trial of his drug case, Korean actor Yoo Ah In has asked for leniency. During the first trial, the 38-year-old actor was detained in court and given a one-year prison sentence. He also received a 2 million won fine. Under the Narcotics Control Act of Korea, he has been accused of obstructing justice and abusing drugs. The court acknowledged that he had bought drugs on multiple occasions, but it did not find him guilty of using marijuana or tampering with evidence.
According to reports from Korean media, Yoo Ah in drugs has asked for leniency in the second trial. His attorney argued that Yoo Ah In did not intentionally isolate the law by exploiting regulatory loopholes; rather, he became dependent on sleep anesthetic when he was already struggling physically and mentally.
Yoo Ah in Drugs The actor’s attorney also stated that the initial trial sentence was “too heavy and unfair.” The second hearing will take place on November 19 at the Seoul High Court’s Criminal Division 5. The actor has had his detention time extended, so he is still in custody. In the United States, Yoo Ah In was found guilty of illegally purchasing 1,100 sleeping pills under a different name and smoking marijuana. Additionally, he is accused of attempting to intimidate an accomplice in order to alter testimony and destroy evidence.
In the drug case trial, Korean actor Yoo Ah In asks for leniency.
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