Recently, Bollywood stars Varun Dhawan, Ranveer Singh, and Aditya Roy Kapur were spotted having a casual evening at an event in the United Arab Emirates. Varun uploaded a candid picture of the three actors in a friendly, relaxed pose to Instagram Stories.
Varun Dhawan Ranveer Singh Ranveer also shared the moment with the caption “Sunsets in Abu Dhabi” on his profile.
You can read his post here:
Varun Dhawan is currently working on promotion for his first OTT series, Citadel: Honey Bunny stopped promoting this event in the United Arab Emirates for a while. Raj & DK directed the highly anticipated series, which stars Varun and Samantha and also stars Kay Kay Menon, Simran Bagga, and Saqib Saleem. The Indian adaptation, which stars Priyanka Chopra and is a spinoff of the American series Citadel, will be available to stream starting on November 7, 2024.
Ranveer Singh, on the other hand, is getting ready for Don 3. Sobhita Dhulipala could possibly join the cast and appear in an item number, according to rumors. Fans are looking forward to the next installment of the successful franchise because of the rumors about her involvement.