The power couple in Bollywood, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan, frequently set relationship goals. Taimur Ali Khan and Jeh Ali Khan are the couple’s two children, and they recently celebrated their wedding anniversary. Saif, who made an appearance in Remarkable Lives versus Bollywood Spouses, as of late uncovered that his and Kareena Kapoor’s child Taimur feels acting before 50,000 individuals is a ‘bad dream’.
In the last episode of Spectacular Lives versus Bollywood Spouses, Saif Ali Khan talked about nurturing with the seven women of the show. Saif discussed Taimur’s feelings regarding pursuing an acting career.
“The idea of standing up in front of 50,000 people and saying something is just a nightmare,” Saif said, quoting his 7-year-old son Taimur. Seema Sajdeh, who is one of the OG star cast of Impressive Lives versus Bollywood Spouses, was astonished to realize that his child, Taimur feels so.
which Saif responded with, “I don’t want to do it.” Maheep Kapoor responded to it saying that Taimur is a “perfect kid and has an extremely impressive character”. Maheep noticed that the youngster is “responsive to the paparazzi” and individuals are fixated on him.
Before the Devara star, on the show, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni shared that her little girl Samara Kapoor tries to be an entertainer. Riddhima confirmed that Sameera would appear in subsequent films. She went on to say that it’s in their blood.