Amar Kaushik’s Stree 2, a sequel to his 2018 horror-comedy Stree, came out at a time when Bollywood was going through one of its worst periods, with few films making it to the box office. The movie was highly anticipated due to the fact that Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao reprised their respective roles from the first part. According to Sacnilk, Stree 2 defied expectations, becoming a blockbuster and grossing over Rs 856 crore worldwide, despite the industry’s doubts about whether the film could break the curse of consecutive flops. However, the film’s success sparked a contentious public relations dispute over who deserved credit. Others attributed Rajkummar’s success, while some cited Shraddha. Unsurprisingly, neither writer Niren Bhatt nor director Amar Kaushik were mentioned.
Shraddha Kapoor settles the “who’s responsible for Stree 2 success” debate at the SCREEN launch; confirms the development of Stree 3
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