Former actor Bushra Ansari has called for a more in-depth investigation into the alleged rape at a Lahore college case that the Punjab government calls “fabricated.” Given that so many students believe it to be true, she believes there must be some truth to the story.
Authorities have dismissed the incident’s legitimacy as a whole due to widespread outrage and confusion. In an Instagram video message, Ansari voiced her dissatisfaction with the manner in which the situation has been handled.
In her video, Ansari emphasized the importance of taking student protests seriously and the demonstrators’ credibility by saying, “Thousands of students cannot be lying.” I am aware of the situation despite the fact that I am not in the country. She stated, “We have our eyes on everything, and we understand everything. We talk about random things to cheer you up or ourselves up.
She questioned how the case has been deemed a misunderstanding in light of the alleged incident and subsequent protests. The girl’s ordeal at the Punjab College over the past few days, as well as the student protests that followed, are being dismissed as untrue. All I’m saying is that all those students are educated, and I have no idea what exactly is causing the confusion.