Barrister Gohar, chairman of the PTI, said on Tuesday that doctors were allowed to meet Imran Khan at the Adiala jail after his party said the incarcerated leader was having health problems.
Gohar had previously stated that despite Imran’s illness, no lawyer, family member, or party leader had been permitted to meet him since October 3. He went on to say that the PTI had made a request to the interior ministry for permission to meet the founding chairman with a party leader, family member, or medical professional.
Addressing today, that’s what gohar said “government specialists, alongside clinical subject matter experts and an ENT trained professional (otolaryngologist), had shown up at the prison.”
A day sooner, the PTI had canceled an arranged dissent in Islamabad in the wake of getting confirmations about Imran’s wellbeing and that a clinical master would visit Adiala Prison today to look at him.
The protest would have occurred during the SCO summit, which is currently taking place in Islamabad and features high levels of security for dignitaries from a number of nations.
The public authority, which had prior would not withdraw from its intense position on managing PTI dissenters with an “iron hand” in the event that they attempted to dissent in the midst of the SCO disputable, consented to a large portion of the party’s requests, including orchestrating a gathering between party pioneers and establishing director Imran Khan and working with his clinical exam.
Jemima calls for Imran to be freed On Tuesday, Imran’s former spouse, Jemima Goldsmith, expressed concern about how he is being treated in prison and demanded that he be freed.
She claimed on the X platform on Tuesday that there have been “serious and concerning developments regarding my sons’ father, Imran Khan’s treatment in prison” in the past few weeks.
She asserted that Pakistan specialists had prevented all visits to Imran from his family and his legal counselors while likewise deferring his trials.
She wrote, “His weekly calls to his sons, Sulaiman and Kasim Khan, who are British and live in London, were stopped on 10th September in defiance of a court order.” This was in addition to the fact that he had stopped making in-person visits.
She guaranteed by certain reports, Imran was being abused by prison specialists.
He is now completely alone, in solitary confinement, literally in the dark, and has no communication with anyone else. His legal advisors are worried about his security and prosperity,” she added.
“These actions come in the context of ongoing targeting of Imran’s family, as well as members and supporters of his party (PTI), in an attempt to silence them and all political opposition in Pakistan,” the statement continued. It also stated that Imran’s nephew had been taken into custody and that his sisters, Uzma and Aleema Khan, had been taken into custody.
“As a matter of urgency, we are calling for Imran Khan’s release, the release of his sisters and nephew, and the resumption of contact between his sons and their father so that they can have firsthand assurance that he is well and not being mistreated,” the statement reads.Doctors are permitted to meet Imran in prison, according to the PTI’s Barrister Gohar.