A state funeral will be held for the leader of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), Baba Siddique, who was shot to death in Mumbai on Saturday night. Bollywood symbol Salman Khan, who imparted a nearby cling to Siddique, has arrived at the late lawmaker’s home, in front of the memorial service this evening. As he entered, Salman, his brother Sohail Khan, and his sister Arpita Khan made an obvious emotional display. Numerous other Bollywood big names, including Pooja Bhatt and Sajid Nadiadwala, were spotted showing up to offer their appreciation to the three-time MLA and previous Maharashtra serve.
Salman can be seen arriving at Siddique’s house in heartbroken photos that have since gone viral. Salman’s supposed accomplice, Iulia Vantur, and the Bollywood entertainer’s sister Alvira Agnihotri were additionally spotted among the numerous big names. Siddique had been very close to the Salim Khan family, as you may recall. In the mean time, the Mumbai police have affirmed that imprisoned hoodlum Lawrence Bishnoi’s group was engaged with the NCP pioneer’s homicide. Notably, six months prior to this incident, members of the Bishnoi gang had also fired shots at Salman Khan’s house.