Entertainer Meera Chopra talked about the challenges that individuals in her position face in the entertainment world. In a recent interview, Meera, who is Priyanka Chopra’s cousin, said that she is an “outsider” and that her career would be in a different place if she had support from within the industry. She also talked about how Indian film festivals have become commodities and said that it would be hard for designers to give her free clothes to wear on red carpets.
In a meeting with the Hitflik YouTube channel, she said, “We have a major debasement issue in the country. Furthermore, this hurts genuine talent. We have IFFI, we have MAMI, yet even at IFFI, such countless movies are getting in by ‘jugaad’. We really want to wipe out this, and give significance to veritable ability. The authenticity of a festival is called into question if you unfairly promote your B class projects in festivals…”