In the past 24 hours, the Punjab Health Department reported 149 new dengue cases in the province, with Rawalpindi emerging as the most affected city with 134 of the cases. The outbreak also affected Bahawalpur, which had three cases, Lahore, which had two, and Sheikhupura, Jhelum, Faisalabad, Attock, Kasur, Mianwali, Khanewal, Nankana Sahib, and Narowal, which only had one case.
With nearly 1,000 new cases discovered in the past week, this increase brings the total number of dengue cases in Punjab for 2024 to 3,285. Notwithstanding the disturbing ascent, the wellbeing division consoled the public that adequate clinical supplies are accessible in emergency clinics to deal with the flare-up.
The Health Department issued an advisory urging citizens to keep their surroundings dry and clean in order to prevent the breeding of dengue-carrying mosquitoes in response to the rising number of cases. A free helpline, 1033, has also been set up to handle complaints about the virus and provide information or treatment.