Saba Qamar has been appointed Nicef’s first Pakistani National Ambassador for Child Rights. The announcement was made on International Day of the Girl Child, which is a day set aside to promote girls’ rights and acknowledge the particular difficulties they face worldwide.
“It is a privilege to join Unicef. In a press release, Qamar stated, “I will echo our shared mission of achieving every right for every child wherever I am.” I’ve seen the positive impact that Unicef’s dedicated efforts are having on children and women in this country during my recent travels. She continued, “I promise to do my part for Pakistan’s children and young people so that they can dream and have a chance to realize their dreams.”
The star of Kamli and Hindi Medium will make use of her position as Unicef Pakistan’s National Ambassador to help raise awareness of issues affecting young people, including child marriage, mental health, lack of education, gender equality, climate change, and the effects of violence, exploitation, and child poverty on children.
The sixth-highest number of child brides in the world can be found in Pakistan. Before reaching the age of 18, more than half of adolescent girls become pregnant, which can be dangerous for both the mother and the unborn child.
Unicef projects that Pakistan won’t be free of child marriage for decades if nothing is done immediately. To safeguard young girls—one of the nation’s greatest untapped resources—and prevent this harmful practice, a society-wide strategy is required.
I’m thrilled to have Saba join Unicef. Abdullah Fadil, the representative of UNICEF in Pakistan, stated, “Ms. Qamar is a brave and powerful advocate for women’s and girls’ rights.”
He went on to say, “We look forward to collaborating closely [with her] to draw attention to some of the biggest challenges that children in Pakistan are facing right now and to accelerate our efforts to help every child reach their true potential.”
On Thursday, Qamar published photographs from her travels in which she was seen interacting with girls in an unidentified area. She wrote in the caption, “Had some wonderful experiences and met some super amazing people this week.” Plenty of tales to tell! All the more soon!”