Renowned Indian filmmaker, director, and television personality Karan Johar was left astonished last night during the IIFA Awards 2024 when his name was announced for a special honor. The award was presented to him in recognition of his significant contributions to Indian cinema.
In a viral video from the event, Karan’s surprise is evident when international film icons Shah Rukh Khan and Vicky Kaushal call out his name for the award. Upon receiving the accolade, Karan graciously touches the feet of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, a gesture of respect and gratitude.
Shah Rukh Khan, while inviting Karan to the stage, describes him as a successor who carries forward his parents’ legacy. He emphasizes their bond by calling Karan his brother, friend, and partner through thick and thin, encouraging the audience to give Karan a resounding round of applause.
During this heartwarming moment, Vicky Kaushal highlights that the IIFA honored Karan for completing 25 years in the Indian film industry and for creating a lasting legacy.