Mumbai: Bollywood’s famous Dhoom franchise is set to welcome a new addition, as actor Ranbir Kapoor takes on a pivotal role in the upcoming film “Dhoom 4.”
According to reports from Indian media, Ranbir Kapoor will be portraying a negative character in the latest installment. Excitingly, he will begin shooting for “Dhoom 4” on his birthday, September 28.
However, fans of the Dhoom series may be disappointed to learn that beloved characters from the previous three films, played by Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra, will not be part of the cast this time around. Previously, Abhishek Bachchan portrayed Inspector Jai, while Uday Chopra played Ali. The script for “Dhoom 4” has once again been penned by Aditya Chopra and Vijay Krishna Acharya.
Reports also indicate that Ranbir Kapoor has expressed his desire to join the Dhoom cast on multiple occasions, with discussions ongoing with the filmmakers for some time. Details regarding the film’s heroine and other aspects have yet to be announced.