New Delhi: A horrifying incident has emerged from a private school in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, where a second-grade student was murdered as part of a black magic ritual aimed at achieving success for the school.
According to reports from Indian news agencies, the gruesome event took place in a hostel at the school, where it was revealed that a student had been sacrificed to perform a ritual involving a cat.
When the police arrived at the scene, they found the child’s body. Authorities have since arrested the school’s director, Dinesh Baghel, along with three other teachers.
Baghel disclosed that he had performed the ritual with the consent of the child’s father, stating, “Both of us believe in black magic.” He further explained that when they attempted to take the child for the ritual, the boy began to scream, prompting them to strangle him to silence him.
The police have also taken the child’s father into custody, and various items related to black magic have been recovered from the scene.
Prior to this tragic incident, the director had attempted to sacrifice another 9-year-old student for the same purpose, but that effort had failed due to the child’s resistance.