Two individuals lost their lives due to gunfire outside the Islamabad District Court. According to reports from Dawn News, the Islamabad Police spokesperson confirmed that the incident occurred on the G-11 service road as a result of an ongoing feud. Initially, one person was reported dead, while another sustained injuries.
The spokesperson mentioned that high-ranking police officials arrived at the scene shortly after the incident and the deceased was transported to the hospital. The Inspector General (IG) of Islamabad took notice of the situation and ordered the immediate arrest of the shooter.
Police teams cordoned off the area to collect evidence, promising to apprehend the suspect and bring them to justice swiftly.
Later sources revealed that the injured person succumbed to their wounds. The deceased were identified as Syed Tofseer Haider and a man named Nazir. The suspects had been presented in court under case 713/24, and the shooting reportedly occurred after they were acquitted, leading to an attack from the opposing party. It was noted that the suspects had multiple prior cases against them, ranging from three to four incidents.