Senior actress Azra Mansoor recently revealed that when she began working with Mawra Hocane, many people cautioned her against the actress, urging her to be wary. In an interview with *Fuchsia Magazine*, Azra discussed her experience working alongside Mawra and Mohib Mirza in the drama *Jafa*.
Azra shared that she has been enjoying her time with the entire cast, noting that everyone treats her with respect. She praised both Mawra Hocane and Mohib Mirza for their excellent acting and positive attitudes on set.
Responding to a question, Azra disclosed that prior to the shooting of *Jafa*, people from the industry warned her to be careful around Mawra. They told her to see how long Mawra would stay committed to her.
“I was working with Mawra for the first time and had no prior knowledge of her behavior,” Azra explained, “so I heard many negative remarks about her from others.” She recalled being advised to keep her distance, but she responded by saying that she viewed everyone like her own children and that she would give Mawra more love than anyone else.
However, once shooting began, Azra was taken aback by Mawra’s warm and humble demeanor, which contradicted what she had been told. Azra praised Mawra, noting that she was nothing like the negative image painted by others.
Azra even mentioned sharing with Mawra the comments that had been made about her, further deepening their bond. She concluded by praising both Mawra and Mohib Mirza, emphasizing that the entire *Jafa* team treated her with love and respect.