Priyanka Chopra recently attended her husband Nick Jonas’ concert at London’s O2 Arena and took the opportunity to reflect on an unforgettable moment from her past. On September 16, the global star shared a series of family photos from the Jonas Brothers’ concert and reminisced about a wardrobe malfunction during the 2000 Miss World pageant, held at the same venue, which was then called the Millennium Dome.
In her Instagram post, Chopra, 42, wrote, “I was crowned Miss World at this arena 24 years ago. I’ll never forget my 18-year-old self—excited, nervous, and competitive—trying to look my best.” She recalled struggling with a Hemant Trivedi dress that kept slipping due to faulty body tape and her nerves causing her to sweat.
Chopra expressed gratitude for returning to the arena, this time watching her husband perform in front of their daughter, Malti Marie Jonas, calling it a memory she will always cherish. Priyanka and Nick, who married in 2018, share a two-year-old daughter.