Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, now residing in Montecito with their two children, have been given new titles by their neighbours following King Charles’ birthday honour to the Duke.
Locals in the area have expressed surprise at the couple’s choice to settle in the Riven Rock Estate, which is traditionally favored by older residents. One neighbour remarked, “It’s where the elephants come to die,” highlighting the unexpected nature of the couple’s move to the area.
Frank McGinity, an 88-year-old neighbour, shared his experience of being turned away when he attempted to deliver a film to the couple’s home. In his memoir, *Get Off Your Street*, McGinity recalls the cold reception and the lack of interest from the Sussexes in forming neighbourly connections. He commented, “They’re not interested.”
Another local, Richard Mineards, expressed disappointment that the couple rarely makes appearances in the area, adding that the community is eagerly “waiting for them.”