BTS’s V, also known as Kim Tae-hyung, is making the most of his military break, spending time with his close friend Park Hyo Shin. On Saturday, September 14, fans were thrilled when actress Jeong Sun-ah shared a selfie with the K-pop star on her Instagram, captioning it, “I think I’ll become an ARMY now.”
In the photo, V, the *Fake Love* singer, struck a thumbs-up pose while winking at the camera. Sporting a shorter haircut with a side buzz and a slight tan from his military service, V’s signature smile remained unchanged, capturing the hearts of fans.
“I love how Taehyung has gotten so big and bulky, but his smile is still so heartfelt,” one fan commented. Another added, “OMG!! Thank you for sharing Taehyung updates with us,” with heart eyes emojis.
For the outing, V wore a casual white T-shirt with jeans, accessorizing with a wristwatch and a black printed bandana around his neck. According to Allkpop, the 28-year-old BTS member and his 43-year-old best friend Park Hyo Shin attended *Chicago the Musical* during their time out.