The Punjab police announced on Friday that they have killed the main suspect behind a rocket attack by dacoits in Rahim Yar Khan District’s Machka area, which resulted in the deaths of 12 police officers.
Organized criminal gangs have been active in the riverine border areas of southern Sindh and central Punjab for years, often engaging in kidnap-for-ransom schemes. The attack occurred when two police vehicles, carrying about 22 officers, were returning from a camp in the Katcha (riverine) area. Recent rains had made the road muddy, causing one vehicle to break down. The police party was then ambushed by dacoits who fired rockets and opened fire, killing 11 officers and injuring nine others. The death toll rose to 12 today.
Punjab Inspector General Dr. Usman Anwar reported that a large-scale operation had been launched by both Punjab and Sindh police, involving 320 Punjab police personnel and additional forces from Sindh. In retaliation for the attack, Punjab police have confirmed the death of the main suspect, Bashir Shar, and injuries to five of his accomplices: Sanaullah Shar, Gada Ali, Kamlu Shar, Ramzan Shar, and Gadi.
Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz directed IG Anwar and senior officials to handle the situation in Rahim Yar Khan and instructed the Punjab home secretary to initiate an immediate operation in the Katcha areas. Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah also instructed his provincial police chief to coordinate with Punjab Police and offer any necessary assistance.
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has demanded immediate and effective action against the attackers. Funeral prayers for the martyred officers were held in Rahim Yar Khan and attended by Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi and other officials.
In response to the attack, Sindh Interior Minister Ziaul Hassan Lanjar has ordered heightened security across the province. This includes increased police presence at major mosques, imambargahs, and during Friday prayers, as well as enhanced patrolling and snap-checking.