AUSTIN — Lawyers for children in long-term foster care ratcheted up pressure for a federal judge to sanction Texas for not obeying orders, saying “a significant percentage” of caregivers aren’t adequately informed about youngsters’ histories of sexual abuse.
Those monitoring the state’s progress noted that a review of cases found that documents and signatures aimed at ensuring that caregivers are aware of such histories occurred “just more than half” of the time.
The omission is critical, as children who have been victimized while in state custody can become sexual aggressors, the lawyers say. Making timely transfers of such information among adult caregivers is a key to seeking therapies and averting further harm, they stressed.
State officials insist Texas has achieved “substantial compliance” with U.S. District Judge Janis Graham Jack’s orders, including her insistence that caregivers are promptly notified of the children’s sexual abuse histories and trained in how to spot and report sexual abuse.
“Abused children are especially vulnerable,” lead plaintiffs’ lawyer Paul Yetter of Houston said in an email Sunday. “It’s critical for every caregiver to know their child’s history, but the state isn’t sharing the information quickly or consistently enough. And children suffer.”
Department of Family and Protective Services spokeswoman Marissa Gonzales declined to comment. Gov. Greg Abbott’s press office did not respond to an email.
“We’re declining comment at this time,” said Christine Mann, a spokeswoman for the Health and Human Services Commission, also a defendant in the case.
It’s unclear if or when Jack might find state officials in contempt.
In June, the plaintiffs’ lawyers cited misuse of psychotropic drugs, overworked caseworkers and the children’s continuing lack of awareness of how to report maltreatment as grounds for punishment.
Earlier this month, the children’s lawyers amended their motion for a finding of contempt, saying Texas officials failed to ensure all caregivers are promptly informed of children’s sexual abuse histories and have had the required training.
Addressing the revictimization of sexual abuse victims has been one of Jack’s top priorities in the long-running class-action suit. In 2015, she found that rape and physical abuse of foster children were commonplace and that youngsters too often emerged from the system in worse shape than when they entered.
Texas officials have denied that they run an unconstitutionally unsafe system. They were only able to persuade the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to overturn portions, not all, of Jack’s injunctions. State officials called them unnecessary and overreaching.
At least nine of the judge’s roughly 50 remedial orders cover things such as making sure the children’s sexual abuse histories are documented; that the information is shared with adult caregivers before each placement; and that all the caseworkers and caregivers have the training on spotting and reporting child sexual abuse.
Jack appointed Deborah Fowler of Austin and Kevin Ryan of New Jersey as monitors to verify state compliance. They and their dozens of staff members comb over state records and make unannounced site visits to check on the children.
Prevalence of repeat sexual abuse
In the final six months of last year, 12,693 children were in the state’s “permanent managing conservatorship,” according to the monitors’ June report.
Such a legal status is usually attained between 12 and 18 months after Child Protective Service removes children from their birth families.
Of them, 1,329, or 10.5%, had indicators for “sexual victimization history,” the monitors wrote.
The state’s data are rife with “discrepancies,” according to their report. Monitors noted that they performed a “case record review” to find out how many of the youngsters with a sexual victimization indicator had been sexually abused after entering foster care.
Of 548 children identified as “victims of sexual abuse,” 132, or 24%, “had incidents of [sexual] abuse or aggression that occurred after the child entered foster care,” the monitors found.
“One-third of children who were victimized after entering care experienced two or more incidents of abuse while in foster care,” they wrote.
As she filed about 40 objections to the monitors’ report last month, lead state defense lawyer Allyson N. Ho of Dallas stressed that “these statistics arise from children who have a sexual characteristic indicator,” as the monitors had noted.
“For all PMC children, though,” Ho said, referring to youth in the protective services agency’s permanent managing conservatorship, “fewer than 0.1% experience a new confirmed sexual victimization incident while in DFPS custody.”
Ho said her data come from an internal CPS team’s review of data from August 2022 to April 2023.
Informing, training caregivers
Sexual abuse history is supposed to be documented on a child’s Placement Summary, used before deciding on a foster care or kinship care setting. It should also be noted on a sexual history report known as Attachment A.
Ryan and Fowler’s staff, which has cost state taxpayers some $46 million over the past 3½ years, analyzed case records of 304 child placements to see if the information on the two documents was complete and if foster parents or institutional employees beginning to care for a child have signed forms verifying they familiarized themselves with the sexual abuse history.
A set of up-to-date documents, plus signatures from caregivers before a placement began, was complete “just more than half” of the time, the monitors said.
Jack has ordered that the training in how to identify and report child sexual abuse be given to all CPS conservatorship caseworkers and social workers hired by super contractors that are part of a new “community-based care” procurement model. In community-based care, which is coming to Dallas soon, a lead contractor not only takes charge of private providers the state has been using but also takes over from CPS the job of managing children’s placements and therapies.
Foster parents and employees in congregate-care facilities also must get the training.
Fowler and Ryan said that, last year, they confirmed that 100% of caseworkers were trained. However, the monitors said they couldn’t confirm all caregivers underwent the training because the state repeatedly failed to provide a comprehensive list.
Ho, the state’s lawyer, said the information is available to the monitors and insisted that nearly 99% of caregivers completed the training in a recent period. But she acknowledged that verification would require monitors to navigate two different databases, maintained by the two state agencies charged with protecting the children.
Yetter, the lawyer for the children, said Jack should hold the state in contempt, which could lead to large daily fines.
When it comes to her orders aimed at preventing child sexual abuse, “anything less than 100% compliance is dangerous and unacceptable,” he wrote in his latest motion.