More Texans surveyed disapprove of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade than approve, according to a new Dallas Morning News/UT-Tyler poll released Sunday.
Of the 1,384 Texans surveyed Aug. 1-7, 49% said they somewhat or strongly disapproved of overturning Roe vs. Wade, and 42% said they strongly or somewhat approved of overturning the precedent and returning the issue to the states.
The results from the survey, which has a 2.8% margin of error, mark a slight shift from the last time the poll was conducted in May, shortly after the leak of the Supreme Court decision to overturn the landmark case that originated in Dallas County.
In May, 53% of Texans surveyed said Roe should not be overturned, and 46% said it should be overturned. Just 1% of respondents said they didn’t know if it should be overturned or not.
Now, in the aftermath of the high court’s ruling, 9% of respondents said they don’t know if they agree or disagree with removing the constitutional protection of the right to an abortion.
Mark Owens, director of the poll and a political scientist at UT-Tyler, said the percentages of respondents who said they agreed and disagreed with the decision both dropped from May.
“Our last poll had been just after the opinion had leaked, and then, everyone had an opinion about whether it should happen or it should not happen,” Owens said. “I think now that it really has happened, more people have moved to not being sure where they should go, even though we’re a couple months after the decision.”
National polls taken after the decision found between 56% to 60% of Americans disapprove of overturning Roe, a higher number than in the Texas poll.
“I think that more people in Texas may have wanted to see Roe overturned, but it was not a majority of voters in the state,” Owens said. “So lawmakers going into January 2023, this will be an issue that they have to talk about and therefore talk about on the campaign trail.”
Support for abortion rights
Now that Roe is no longer the law of the land, almost all abortions are banned in Texas, except when a woman is at risk of death or serious injury.
The poll asked Texans when they think abortion should be legal, and what exceptions to abortion bans they favor.
Relatively few voters, 13% of respondents, said abortion should be illegal in all instances, and 31% said abortion should be illegal in most cases. Another 30% said abortion should be legal in most cases, and 25% said the procedure should be legal in all cases.
A vast majority of respondents, 89%, favored allowing abortions when a woman’s health is at risk.
The poll also found that the majority of Texans, 82% of the poll’s respondents, believe abortion should be allowed when a pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, which Texas law does not permit.
“That’s the difference here, the current law being out of sync for most voters, including more than three-quarters of Republican voters,” Owens said.
Kevin Kelly, a poll respondent who lives in Cypress, said he approves of the Supreme Court’s decision. He said his Christian faith influences his views on abortion, but he does not believe the state should necessarily implement laws on a religious basis.
He said from a more secular view, he believes a fetus has individual rights.
“They happen to be inside another person, but they are still a unique individual,” Kelly said. “I have a hard time figuring out a hard line, a logical line I can draw, that says that baby doesn’t have any rights.”
Kelly, 56, said he thinks there should be exceptions to abortion bans when a woman’s life is in danger, but is less sure on other exceptions.
“For me, issues like rape and incest are a lot tougher issues,” he said. “I don’t know what the right answer is there. I still try to follow my heart and my brain, that says that is a unique individual, who ought to be protected because they’re at their most vulnerable.”
Abortion debate motivates voters
More Texans surveyed said they disapproved of the Supreme Court’s decision than approved, but those who said they approved of the ruling were slightly more likely to say they will vote in the Nov. 8 midterm elections.
Of voters who strongly approved of Roe’s overturn, 93% said they are certain or likely to vote, compared to 90% of those who strongly disapproved.
Carla Washington, 50, identifies as an independent, but leans toward Democratic candidates. She said abortion rights is the most important issue in Texas right now.
The Frisco resident said women should have the right to make their own choices about their bodies.
“She makes the decision,” Washington said. “No one else can feel her pain. A male can’t possibly know what a woman goes through when she’s carrying.”
Shelby Baker, 26, is a Republican voter who disagrees with the court’s decision to overturn Roe, but the most important issues to her are education and the state’s power grid.
“As far as I’ve checked, we’re in 2022. We’re not in the 1950s,” Baker said. “I should not have less rights than any other man, and a man should not be dictating what I can or cannot do with my body.”
She said a candidate being anti-abortion would not necessarily deter her from voting for them.
“I’m not going to say I’m going to vote for one candidate specifically for one reason, when another person lines up more with what I believe,” the Bandera resident said.
Owens said nationally, some politicos are expecting anger over the end of Roe to deliver higher turnout for Democrats, but the poll results don’t suggest that Texans are more engaged on abortion rights than with any of the other issues facing the state.
“I think a lot of voters are concerned about many different things all at the same time, when they go to select who they’re voting for,” Owens said. “And that should lead us to higher than normal turnout in a midterm, even a little higher than 2018.”