Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor and her sister Khushi have tested negative for coronavirus after they were diagnosed with Covid-19 on January 3, saying “First two days were tough.”
The Dostana 2 actor took to Instagram and informed her millions of fans about their coronavirus diagnosis and healing from it.
Janhvi said, “Hey guys! So me and my sister tested positive for Covid-19 on the 3rd of January.”
“We have now completed the BMC required days of home isolation and have both tested negative. First two days were tough, and then every other day got better.”
She continued, “The only way to protect ourselves from this virus is to mask up and vaccinate! Take care everyone!!.”
Earlier on Sunday, Janhvi had shared a post featuring a series of pictures to give a sneak peek into her isolation with the younger sister.
She posted the photos with caption, “That time of year again.”