A 15-year-old boy, Krishna Kumar, has died in India’s Bihar state after undergoing a gallbladder surgery performed by a fake doctor who learned the procedure from YouTube videos.
Kumar, who had been admitted to a local hospital in Patna for severe vomiting, was diagnosed with gallstones. Although initial treatment with a drip led the family to believe he was recovering, a man identified as Ajit Kumar, who falsely claimed to be a doctor, insisted that surgery was necessary.
During the procedure, Kumar’s condition worsened, leading Ajit Kumar and his team to abandon him at the entrance of a larger hospital. The boy was pronounced dead shortly after.
The family has filed a police complaint alleging negligence and malpractice against Ajit Kumar and his staff, highlighting their lack of qualifications and experience. A case has been registered, and the police are conducting raids to apprehend Ajit Kumar and his associates. The clinic where the surgery was performed has been sealed, and the teenager’s body has been sent for a postmortem examination.